mardi 8 septembre 2009

Meryl Streep at the US Ambassador's residence in Paris

I had the great honor to go to a private screening of the new film "Julie & Julia" with the new American Ambassador to France, Charlie Rivkin, and a host of dignitaries who had all been at the conference I organized in November 2008 on Gastronomy in France and America.
The woman next to Meryl Streep is the niece of Simone Beck with whom Julia Child wrote her famous book," Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in its 46th printing.
It was a great evening catered by the Cordon Bleu Cooking School of Paris. The film was a great success.
At the next 4-14 Festival we will be showing films among which "Julie & Julia" will certainly be included.
I've restarted this blog...maybe someday someone will notice...perhaps just like Julie!
Love to All,
Alex Miles
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3 commentaires:

girlcookinparis a dit…

I just noticed your blog! Look forward to discovering more about it!

girlcookinparis a dit…

I just noticed your blog! Looking forward to discovering more about it! And it sounds great to have been at the!

Brenda a dit…

I read with great interest your blog about meeting Meryl Streep. I am just beginning my adventure with Mastering the Art of French Cooking. The first two dishes I have made were wonderful-beef bourguinon and roast chicken. Any suggestions for more?